An “Oedipus For Kids” introduction

Kim’s been doing all the writing, so I figured I’d pipe in.


Since most of Kim’s writing has been Absence-related , which I keep misspelling, I figured I’d do a little bit of explanation of our upcoming NYMF musical, “Oedipus for Kids!

If Absence is the deep garden hoe of Rake Theatre, then Oe4K is what I’d call the Fisher Price Rake:
You know… doesn’t plow as deep, but very colorful.

Oedipus For Kids’ premise revolves around three members of the Fuzzy Ducks Theatre Company, whose purpose is to bring the classics to children via theatre. For some reason, after recently acclaimed productions such as Walden: Thoreau Takes a Time-Out and Uncle Tommy’s Cabin, the artistic director has decided that this week’s classic should be the Greek myth of Oedipus.

As the children’s production goes down into a Charybdis-like whirpool of suck, the performers
remain confounded by the question of how the hell you portray such a screwed up myth to elementary-schoolers. Meanwhile, we hope that you too will be confounded by the question of how the hell you portray such a screwed up myth to elementary-schoolers.

In fact, we’re hoping you are confounded enough to want to come. For more information, check us out on NYMF.

3 thoughts on “An “Oedipus For Kids” introduction

  1. Sure. Most girls with one leg are sluts. There’s an entire separate suite of kama sutra positions for their type.


  2. Sigh. This used to be a family-friendly blog. And then we had to go use the word “slut.”Eh, well, Oe4K was going to rock a few worlds with its vulgarity sooner or later. Better to break people in now.


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